If you read "patiently waiting"(April 3) on my blog, this is a continuation. I took these pictures of Sadie, last night and this morning. It is interesting that she always goes to the same spot to sit and wait. It is kind of like me. I like my routine. I rely on things that are familiar to me. She ventures off course a little, but she prefers in front of the planters as her favorite. I have been thinking of our adoption journey a lot this week. It seems the reminders keep coming up. Funny how some weeks it is in the background but others it is in the forefront. It started this weekend when my friend KL(4 years old going on 15) wanted to go into "the baby's room". Several months ago she came to see the room when we got the news we were picked by a birthmom. I honestly was surprised she remembered that room. After the failed adoption, the room's door has just remained closed, because I just really don't know what I should do about "that room". She wanted to see what toys I had for the baby, and to let me know that now that she was 4 she could help me babysit.(and that her brother would not be interested in that!) So, we went in the room. I wasn't sad(big step), and we looked at the toys. They got her approval. It really got me thinking, "When would there be a baby in this room?
Later in the week we got a general email update from our adoption agency that they were working with several birthmothers and praying for all the waiting families. They have already had 7 placements this year! It got me thinking again, "When would there be a baby in this room?"
Also this week, our quarterly adoption education form is due. We are required to continue to educate ourselves on adoption issues and turn a form into our agency. I am finishing up a book called "Adopting after Infertility". Again got me thinking, "When will there be a baby in that room?"
This morning seeing Sadie in that same spot, I got my answer. The answer is: I must STILL, PATIENTLY WAIT!!!
Lori, love you and your blog. Maybe Sadie isn't waiting for anything at all. Just enjoying life as it is before it changes, which it will. Love always. Dad