Do you ever surprise yourself? I know I do, and this picture proves it! While on our DC trip I was given the opportunity at the Smithsonian Natural Science Museum to hold this bad boy. In case you can't see clearly it is a COCKROACH. The volunteer said it was a BLAH, BLAH, BLAH, COCKROACH, but really the only part I heard was COCKROACH. The next thing I know Jaime's snapping a picture, and surprise I'm smiling. I guess looking at this picture , I see I'm capable of more than I thought. I'm continually being challenged by God. Work has been extremely challenging this new year, yet I go back everyday ready to face the challenge. The wait to adopt has been very, very, challenging. Lots of self-inflicted questions like "what is wrong with us?" "why not us?" Really it's not a competition, but try telling that to families who wait, and wait, while it seems families are being formed all around. It's hard not to think you are doing something wrong, or something is wrong with you that you don't see. In fact, this evening, I was feeling down about the wait., hopeless one might say. I decided to look over my pictures and when I stopped on this one, I smiled. I'm capable of more than I give myself credit for, I mean look at me, I'm holding a COCKROACH. (there were grown men around me who wouldn't take this challenge). So I guess I can keep going, and this picture proves I'm up for the challenge.
Speaking of challenges, this is a wonderful quote from the MLK memorial. It really touched me, and has a lot of meaning to me. I hope that maybe someone out there may like these words as well.