Sunday, March 11, 2012

Lent Day 19

This book on Waiting is great! The author addresses fear.  She says, "FEar is a powerful motivator for individuals and for entire societies, but it takes a toll on psyches of those who live constantly in it."  I think fear does motivate people, not necessarily in a good way.  Her point is to get rid of the fear. Trust in God and don't be scared. She says in the end, isn't trusting in God better than being in constant fear. I believe she is right.
"Perfect love casts out fear."1 John 4:18

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Lent Day 18: Just a rainy morning

J and I have just been home bodies this morning. He was very excited that this was the first Saturday in 2 weeks that we weren't up at 530 am to get to a 5k! Today I just want to thank God that I am fortunate to have a nice home in which we can be home bodies..

Friday, March 9, 2012

Lent Day 17

"The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." Matt 21:42

I will make Jesus the foundation of my life.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Lent Day 16: Still Waiting....(from popular waiting series last lent)

I recently bought a book called " While We Wait: Spiritual and Practical Advice for those trying to Adopt" by Heidi Schlumpf. I wish I had found this book ages ago. The author, a birth mom herself from a teenage pregnancy, talks about her and her husbands wait to adopt internationally. She has the book divided in small chapters that address certain issues that adoptive families face during their wait. She has everything from waiting during the holidays, coping strategies, when the going gets tough, those who wait with us and more. I would like to share her thoughts of waiting during Easter. I find it very appropriate since we are in the Lenten season preparing for Easter. This particular paragraph really spoke to me:
"Adoptive parents must be Easter people. We must be filled with hope for new life. We must trust that good can come out of bad. We must believe that no matter what happens- our paperwork gets lost, the country we are adopting from changes its rules, the birthmother who selected us changes her mind- God's life will ultimately triumph over these symbolic "deaths". "

J and I are Easter people. We Believe.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lent day 15

"Loving Father, strengthen me against temptation and the wiles of Satan during this lenten time. Guide me on your true path for my life."

Day 14

I will follow Christs example of servanthood and look for ways I can serve others today.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lent Day 13

I'm not sure what to say today. Do you every have those days where you are speechless?(j would say I don't have to many of those days) But, I'm having one of those days today.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Lent Day 12

Whew! Recovery today! Yesterday was quite the busy day. We started the day at 530am to drive to a 5k in Dallas. This race celebrated the opening weekend festivities of the Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge in Dallas aka the Calatrava Bridge. J's firm did some engineering work for the bridge, so they got a big group of employees to participate. It was a beautiful morning. I was very proud of J. It is his 5k and he did great! If you look closely at the picture of us you can see the bridge in the background. It is really something else! Needless to say, we both woke up sore today. I also continued the day at my friends daughter's birthday party. That was another adventure. It was at a gymnastics place called the rock. It was fun, but added to my soreness. I haven't jumped on a trampoline in years, but it sure was fun!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lent Day 10: It's a beauty

What a gorgeous day! Perfect. I had lunch with a friend that I haven't seen in ages, yet known since first grade. Life has friends that come and go, but there are always those that near or far will always be close to your heart!

Interesting fact: Last Spring the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops asked that on the first Friday  of each month, Catholics eat meals that cost only as much as is allotted for a family of their size, that is allotted by the United States Department of Agriculture's Thrifty Food Plan. A family with 2 kids under 5 would be allotted 17.18 per day. This plan is the basis for food stamps. COULD YOU FEED YOUR WHOLE FAMILY FOR $17.18 A DAY? Something to ponder...

Today's suggested penance in several of my books says....Make a gesture of reconciliation with someone from whom you are alienated.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lent Day 9

"Do to others whatever you would have them do to you." Matt 7:12