Sunday, April 22, 2012

God's Playground

Yesterday, we spent the beautiful afternoon with my sister in law and niece at the botanical gardens. It was fabulous. There was a spot under a blackberry tree that attracted swarms of butterflies. They would rest on you if you stood still long enough. There were kids twirling and giggling. The butterflies loved my niece! This just made me think...This is God's Playground, He made it beautiful, colorful, and peaceful.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Perfect AM

I guess it has been awhile since I have last blogged. I have taken on more responsibility at work and the stress is incredible. Luckily, I will hand over the reigns here at the end of the May. It is amazing what stress does to you. It affects your eating, your sleeping, your exercising, and your faith. It really makes it harder to do the things that are good for you. You have to make the effort! I have hope that the summer will bring great things including less STRESS and more JOY! I am currently reading a daily devotional that talks about adoption and the bible. I have really enjoyed it. Here is the link if it is something you are interested in:

This devotional talks about how we are all adopted by God! This morning I sat on my porch reading todays devotional and my loyal dog was close by, faithful, loyal, loving DOG Sadie. You know it is funny, I imagine that not only is Sadie nearby, but God is too...faithful, loyal, loving GOD.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter

Hope everyone has a great Easter.  Sadie has get some rest!!