Reflection on this weeks lenten journey from my church has made me realize that the devil is in the details of my life. I'm always tempted by chips and salsa, chocolate, and cabernet, but I don't think those are the big things. It's the impatience, the pride, anger, money that really pose the greatest risk to me. I think I am impatient for God's plan for me. I want kids now, but he has shown me that I have no control over this and patience and faith are what I need. I'm always working, but when I look closely, what am I working What am I willing to sacrifice for more money? Don't get me wrong, I want to take care of my family, but when do I allow it to become excessive? Can I bring money with me when I leave this life? Is there a bank in Heaven? Does it roll over and is there a tax break? I think there are times I get angry and maybe I even hold grudges against those I love. I think I am quick to judge people and it is wrong for me to assume I know best for every person out there. Immortality and vanity..yes, I am getting to the age where wrinkle creams and new diets always peak my curiosity. Ok, maybe I should not have started to look at the temptations in my life that allow the devil opportunities. They are everywhere! They are in the details of my daily life!
On a totally different topic, I would like to wish my brother and sister-in-law a happy anniversary!! Happy Saint Patrick's day, it will always be a special day for my family.
Thanks L! :)