Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Island

Part 2 of our trip found us visiting my brother and his wife on the island. They were extremely busy with school and work but we spent some quality time with them in the evenings. In the meantime, Mom and I hung out, went to the strand, went to an art gallery, bought some fresh seafood, ate some good food, and had a very memorable nice day. I have a little photo essay of the events and people I met along the way.
My new favorite relative, LIL the CHI. 

Mom's Old place of employment 

Bro with his new and improved hair-do

LIL pretending to be a Cat

My new friend!(A little anorexic if ya ask me)

A man told me this was his girlfriend and I should be nice to her....So I was

I stopped here and had a conversation with the stork. I had some unfinished business with him. I checked to make
sure he had my address correct!!

Just so darn cute!

More cute

I left a little graffiti 

Mom and I

Ky and I(Bro was studying!)

I thought this was an interesting perspective on gossiping!!!

 This happened to the car on the way home to remind us that vacation was over! :(  THE END

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