Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Unanswered Prayers

Do you ever wonder why prayers go unanswered? Is it true that prayers are never unanswered, just that the answer is not what we think? Is it true that when some doors close, others open? I think I could probably type every cliche in the book. Maybe they are not cliches, maybe they are true. Maybe the key is faith, hope, openness, and love. Maybe the trick is to look past our pain and suffering, out of our small microcosm and truly see the big picture. It seems things get muddled by all the distractions, but some days, something happens that makes you see. Something happens that makes you know your experiences have led you to a moment where you are able to help, guide, and offer support to someone who needs it. Reflecting on it makes you realize, God helped you handle the pain and suffering, because some day when you least expect it, you would be strong, and experienced and in a position to help someone else who is in pain and suffering.

1 comment:

  1. seeing the big picture is a challenge to all...sometimes making us comfortable and sometimes not
    with our response to both answered prayers and seemingly unanswered prayers being the key to endure all things

    what is always comfortable is knowing that God is the responder to all of our prayers no matter in what form and he always knows our hearts and needs
