Sunday, April 24, 2011


Happy Easter! I made it! I have blogged everyday since Ash Wednesday. I think I have complained less, learned a little about myself, and had some fun along the way. I have raised some money, but I won't say how much because I don't want y'all to know how much I complained!! Thank you to all who have read my blog and supported me with positive feedback.  I think I will continue on with my blog. It may not be everyday, but when I feel inspired or need to be inspired. I will just see where it takes me.

The epilogue of my lenten reflection book says that we now have the fifty days of the Easter season to "let the good news sink in". During lent I participated in "Lectio Divina" or "sacred reading". It is prayerful reading of the scripture(sometimes over and over), pondering the word, searching for its meaning, really listening to what God is saying to us personally. I don't think this is easy. I know we can sit in church, hear the reading and listen to the homily telling us what it means. I think trying to find the meaning on my own has been very challenging, and requires more participation on my part. It seems to me that this form of prayer is not necessarily about asking God for what I want and need, but listening to God's word as he is telling me what I need and what his plan is for me. Our priest said today that we must " Turn towards Jesus and he will meet you there". "If you are sick, afraid, addicted, sad, struggling...Take a step towards Jesus and he will meet you there."

Enough babbling.....After Church, J and I took self-portrait Easter pics, made a big brunch, and bathed the Sadie who found a not-so-nice Easter Scent.

I hope everyone celebrates and has a joyful day! 

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