Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What if's?

How much time do I dedicate to the "what if's" in my life? I don't think there is any aspect of my life(or really even a day) that I have not wondered "what if". What if I went to this college instead of that one? What if I was a size 2 instead of the size I am? What if I couldn't see? What if a birthmom doesn't like me because our profile isn't good enough? What if I miss out on something good in life because of my misconceptions or fears? What if I worry about everything today, yet don't stop to realize it could all be gone tomorrow? Sometimes making a decision is so hard because I am bombarded with the "what if's". The only thing that helps is FAITH. I have to have FAITH that God has my back, and everything that happens is because of his plan for me. All my worries and fears and "what ifs" are distractions keeping me away from FAITH and His plan. How hard would it be to change those "what ifs" to prayers? What if every time I started to hear "what if" in my head I said a small prayer, something simple like "God I thank you and trust in you to guide me"...Just, What if?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

My Dog....

After a visit from our 4.5yr old friend K.L. Sadie was bedazzled! 

Sleeping upside down on the chair she is not supposed to be on...Ah!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Job Chapter 1

Ok, I said Job about a month ago and I have never gone back. Funny thing is, it is when you need it the most, sometimes its the hardest to have faith and put in the time and work necessary to gain some insight.(does that make sense?)
So I'm trying to jump start my hope, faith, attitude, whatever you want to call it and continue on with Job.

I read the first chapter and tried to find parallels in my life. I teared up because to find parallels you have to look at yourself honestly, identify your strengths and weaknesses, and look at what I perceive as my "suffering". We could all read it, see ourselves, but our own suffering will be different.  I then read Dr. Long's questions and comments for further insight.

Verse 1 "In the land of Uz there was a blameless and upright man named Job, who feared God and avoided evil."

I don't live in Uz, however I fear the Lord and I TRYto avoid evil. I am not perfect by any stretch but I identify with Job, because this is what I strive to be like.

Ok, Job had A LOT of animals! I don't have this, but I do realize this is the way the bible tells us he is prosperous. I am not rich however, I have never been hungry, always had a roof over my head, always been loved, for these things I can identify and say I could be considered prosperous.

I guess Job is just a person, trying to do what is right, trusting in God.